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Who We Serve

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Senior & Future Executives

What You Get

  • Clearest picture ever of your unique combination of strengths and which ones you under or over utilize
  • Crystal clarity of what really matters to you and how it does and does not align with how you invest your time and energy
  • Deep understanding of your upward potential
  • Expert advice on wide range of personal and leadership topics
  • Insights about what truly drives you and why, and what might hold you back
  • Customized sequence of tools and mindshifts that immediately benefit you at home and work
  • Declaration of what you’re going to accept about yourself and the world and NOT change (at least for now)
  • A framework and tools to sustain and bolster your development for the rest of your life
  • Fervent celebration of progress and nonjudgmental support and gentle nudging through the inevitable setbacks

What Our Clients Have To Say

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How we get there

Deep change is predicated on deep awareness. And we offer one of the most eye-opening awareness-building processes in the industry. It’s called the Q450—it’s like a 360 but on steroids. We collect verbatim feedback from your key stakeholders at work and from the people who are most important to you outside of work. With you we conduct a deep history, personal, and work interview, in addition to administering a collection of proprietary assessments. Then we block off the better part of two days offsite for a development immersion as we read each word of the feedback to you, integrate it with assessment findings, giving you the clearest picture ever of your unique package of strengths, upward potential and understanding of not only what’s truly driving you, but what’s most holding you back -- at work and home.

Once you have absorbed the feedback, we conduct a What’s Even Possible session to reveal what really, truly matters to you and what your future could look like if you maximized your unique potential and liberated yourself from artificial constraints.

As the saying goes, a vision without a plan is just a wish. So we create a detailed but living development plan, focusing on daily actions, mindshifts, and designed to cultivate your innate source of power.

Then the fun really begins. Development is more like learning piano than learning Excel. Which means putting something into practice every day. The art is selecting the right thing, and keeping it front and center despite all the other pulls on your attention. To accomplish this, we use a variety of tools to stay connected with you including a visual development dashboard and beautifully designed Qcards.

We keep our fingers on the pulse of your progress with regular check-ins with key stakeholders and a formal 6-month check in.

Do you find yourself thinking...

I wish I was better at sticking with things I commit to
There has to be a better way
It's hard to take time just for myself
I wish I was clearer on what was possible for me
I go from thing to thing without time to prepare
It's getting harder and harder to keep up

If you find yourself agreeing with any of these statements we might be for you.

Are We for You?